The AlarmClock plugin allows you to start playing a Playlist or Radio at a certain time or stop playing at a certain time.

The AlarmClock.jar should be copied to a folder in mediaplayer/plugins directory for example /mediaplayer/plugins/AlarmClock.

In the same directory as the AlarmClock.jar you should add an AlarmClock.xml, this should be a in a format as below:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
		<time>00 30 07 ? * 2-6</time>
		<channel>Absolute DAB</channel>

		<name>News Beat</name>
		<time>00 45 12 ? * 2-6</time>
		<channel>BBC Radio 1</channel>

		<name>After News Beat</name>
		<time>00 03 13 ? * 2-6</time>

		<name>Turn Off</name>
		<time>00 35 19 * * ?</time>


‘name’ is a unique name for the alarm. ‘time’ is the time the action will occur, in the quartz cron format ( ‘volume’ sets the volume of the MediaPlayer. ‘type’ can be either Radio, PlayList or Off. ‘shuffle’ will shuffle the PlayList.