PMD Results
The following document contains the results of PMD 5.0.2.
Violation |
Line |
Avoid empty catch blocks |
33 - 36 |
Useless parentheses. |
51 |
Violation |
Line |
Avoid empty catch blocks |
107 - 109 |
Violation |
Line |
Avoid unused private fields such as 'mLogHeader'. |
25 |
Useless parentheses. |
97 |
Avoid unused local variables such as '_tmp'. |
131 |
Useless parentheses. |
176 |
Violation |
Line |
Avoid unused imports such as '' |
4 |
Avoid unused imports such as '' |
9 |
Avoid unused imports such as '' |
10 |
Avoid unused imports such as 'java.util.regex.Matcher' |
14 |
Avoid unused imports such as 'java.util.regex.Pattern' |
15 |
Avoid empty catch blocks |
280 - 282 |
Avoid unused private methods such as 'writeFile(String)'. |
447 |
Violation |
Line |
Avoid unused imports such as '' |
13 |
Avoid empty if statements |
236 - 238 |
Violation |
Line |
Avoid unused private fields such as 'log'. |
18 |
Avoid unused local variables such as 'e'. |
98 |
Violation |
Line |
These nested if statements could be combined |
82 - 84 |
These nested if statements could be combined |
112 - 118 |
These nested if statements could be combined |
113 - 117 |
These nested if statements could be combined |
123 - 129 |
Avoid empty catch blocks |
178 - 180 |
Avoid empty catch blocks |
188 - 190 |
Violation |
Line |
Avoid empty catch blocks |
82 - 84 |
Avoid empty catch blocks |
200 - 202 |
Avoid empty catch blocks |
229 - 231 |
Violation |
Line |
These nested if statements could be combined |
30 - 45 |
Violation |
Line |
Avoid unused private fields such as 'bPlaying'. |
28 |
These nested if statements could be combined |
217 - 219 |
Violation |
Line |
These nested if statements could be combined |
164 - 166 |
Violation |
Line |
Avoid unused private fields such as 'bNewTrack'. |
9 |
Violation |
Line |
Avoid empty if statements |
37 - 40 |
Avoid empty if statements |
42 - 44 |
Violation |
Line |
Avoid unused imports such as 'org.rpi.player.IPlayer' |
5 |
Violation |
Line |
Useless parentheses. |
114 |
Useless parentheses. |
271 |
Useless parentheses. |
273 |
Avoid empty if statements |
325 - 326 |
Violation |
Line |
These nested if statements could be combined |
26 - 32 |
Violation |
Line |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context |
14 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context |
15 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context |
18 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context |
19 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context |
20 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context |
21 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context |
22 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context |
23 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context |
24 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context |
25 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context |
28 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context |
29 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context |
33 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context |
34 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context |
35 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context |
36 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context |
39 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context |
42 |
Violation |
Line |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context |
13 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context |
14 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context |
17 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context |
18 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context |
21 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context |
22 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context |
23 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context |
25 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context |
27 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context |
28 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context |
30 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context |
31 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context |
33 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context |
34 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context |
36 |
Violation |
Line |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context |
6 |
Violation |
Line |
Avoid duplicate imports such as 'org.rpi.player.observers.ObservableTime' |
31 |
Avoid unused private fields such as 'status'. |
65 |
Useless parentheses. |
146 |
Avoid empty if statements |
165 - 167 |
Useless parentheses. |
198 |
These nested if statements could be combined |
318 - 324 |
Useless parentheses. |
360 |
These nested if statements could be combined |
567 - 570 |
These nested if statements could be combined |
612 - 613 |
These nested if statements could be combined |
638 - 639 |
These nested if statements could be combined |
755 - 759 |
These nested if statements could be combined |
756 - 758 |
These nested if statements could be combined |
784 - 792 |
These nested if statements could be combined |
933 - 944 |
Avoid empty catch blocks |
966 - 968 |
Violation |
Line |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context |
8 |
Violation |
Line |
Avoid empty catch blocks |
18 - 20 |
Violation |
Line |
Avoid empty catch blocks |
25 - 27 |
Violation |
Line |
Avoid empty catch blocks |
25 - 27 |
Violation |
Line |
Avoid empty catch blocks |
24 - 26 |
Violation |
Line |
Avoid empty catch blocks |
24 - 26 |
Violation |
Line |
Avoid unused local variables such as 's'. |
28 |
Violation |
Line |
Avoid empty catch blocks |
24 - 26 |
Violation |
Line |
Avoid unused local variables such as 'role_type'. |
151 |
Avoid empty if statements |
155 - 157 |
Avoid empty catch blocks |
275 - 277 |
These nested if statements could be combined |
399 - 409 |
These nested if statements could be combined |
401 - 408 |
Violation |
Line |
No need to import a type that lives in the same package |
8 |
Avoid unused local variables such as 'duration'. |
56 |
Violation |
Line |
Avoid unused private fields such as 'log'. |
15 |
Violation |
Line |
Avoid unused private methods such as 'createEventState()'. |
64 |
Avoid empty catch blocks |
250 - 252 |
Useless parentheses. |
296 |
Avoid empty if statements |
302 - 305 |
Avoid unnecessary temporaries when converting primitives to Strings |
425 |
Violation |
Line |
Avoid unused private fields such as 'iConnectionID'. |
21 |
Violation |
Line |
Avoid unused private fields such as 'meta_text_id'. |
23 |
Violation |
Line |
Avoid unused private fields such as 'iPlayer'. |
42 |
Avoid unused private methods such as 'initSources()'. |
113 |
Violation |
Line |
Avoid unused local variables such as 'c'. |
257 |
Violation |
Line |
Avoid unused private fields such as 'bPlay'. |
15 |
Avoid unused private fields such as 'track'. |
16 |
Violation |
Line |
Avoid unused private methods such as 'updateVolume()'. |
343 |
Avoid unused private methods such as 'updateMute()'. |
356 |
Violation |
Line |
Avoid unused local variables such as 'volume'. |
95 |
Avoid unused local variables such as 'volume'. |
105 |
Violation |
Line |
Useless parentheses. |
155 |
Violation |
Line |
Avoid unused private fields such as 'log'. |
8 |
Avoid unused private fields such as 'title'. |
24 |
Overriding method merely calls super |
100 - 102 |
Violation |
Line |
Useless parentheses. |
52 |
Useless parentheses. |
62 |
Useless parentheses. |
106 |
Useless parentheses. |
113 |
Useless parentheses. |
128 |
Violation |
Line |
Avoid unused local variables such as 'pls'. |
12 |
Avoid unused local variables such as 'm3u'. |
14 |
Violation |
Line |
Avoid unused imports such as 'java.nio.ByteBuffer' |
4 |
Avoid unused imports such as 'java.util.Arrays' |
5 |
Useless parentheses. |
36 |
Useless parentheses. |
40 |
Avoid empty catch blocks |
43 - 45 |
Violation |
Line |
Useless parentheses. |
16 |
Useless parentheses. |
43 |
Useless parentheses. |
64 |
Violation |
Line |
Avoid unused imports such as '' |
6 |
Avoid unused imports such as 'java.util.Enumeration' |
10 |
Do not hard code the IP address |
41 |
Do not hard code the IP address |
59 |
Violation |
Line |
Avoid unused imports such as '' |
5 |
Avoid unused imports such as '' |
7 |
Avoid unused imports such as '' |
10 |
Avoid unused imports such as '' |
11 |
Avoid unused private fields such as 'zoneID'. |
25 |
Do not hard code the IP address |
36 |
Violation |
Line |
Avoid unused local variables such as 'i'. |
45 |
These nested if statements could be combined |
65 - 68 |
Avoid unused private methods such as 'setSources(ConcurrentHashMap)'. |
115 |
Violation |
Line |
Useless parentheses. |
43 |
Violation |
Line |
Avoid empty catch blocks |
30 - 31 |
Useless parentheses. |
36 |
Useless parentheses. |
36 |
Useless parentheses. |
36 |
Useless parentheses. |
36 |